
Bannerman (John)

  • 1932–2008
  • Bannerman (John W. M.)
  • (agents)
Scottish historian.
Bannerman, John, Kinship, church and culture: collected essays and studies, Edinburgh: John Donald, 2016.
Bannerman, John, “The Scottish takeover of Pictland and the relics of Columba”, The Innes Review 48:1 (Spring, 1997): 27–44.
Bannerman, John, “Comarba Coluim Chille and the relics of Columba”, The Innes Review 44:1 (Spring, 1993): 14–47.
Bannerman, John, The Beatons: a medical kindred in the classical Gaelic tradition, Edinburgh: John Donald (Birlinn), 1986.
Bannerman, John, and Ronald Black, “A sixteenth-century Gaelic letter”, Scottish Gaelic Studies 13:1 (Autumn, 1978): 56–65.
Bannerman, John, “The MacLachlans of Kilbride and their manuscripts”, Scottish Studies 21 (1977): 1–34.
Bannerman, John, Studies in the history of Dalriada, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1974.
Bannerman, John, “The Dál Riata and northern Ireland in the sixth and seventh centuries”, in: James P. Carney, and David Greene (eds), Celtic studies: essays in memory of Angus Matheson 1912–1962, London: Routledge, 1968. 1–11.
Hughes, Kathleen, and John Bannerman [app.], “The church and the world in early Christian Ireland”, Irish Historical Studies 13 (1962, 1962–1963): 99–112, 113–116 (appendix).


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